Freeman’s April 13 Asian Arts auction is led by exceptional Chinese vase forms, including a gilt-repoussé-embellished cloisonné vase and a pair of cloisonné enamel gilt metal gu-form vases. The sale puts 17th and 18th century Chinese craftsmanship front and center with a finely crafted set of wooden horseshoe armchairs and a set of Huanghuali chairs, a square table, and a scholar’s chest. Collectors of Chinese jade will find several unique opportunities in a selection of intricate carvings depicting mythical beasts, cranes, and luohans. Freeman’s Asian Arts department continues to bring remarkable works of Chinese fine art to market; Asian Arts features an elaborate, large-scale silk-embroidered tapestry from the late Qing dynasty as well as ink-on-paper works by Qi Baishi and Wu Changshuo.
British and European Furniture and Decorative Arts (1)
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Lot 97
Two Chinese jades carvings 玉雕两件 Qing dynasty or earlier 清或更早
Sold for $5,040
Estimated at $1,200 - $1,500
Lot 98
A group of three Chinese carved jade mythical beasts 玉雕瑞兽一组三件 Qing dynasty 清
Sold for $5,355
Estimated at $1,200 - $1,500
Lot 100
A Chinese pale greyish-white jade lobed oval bowl 灰白玉莲瓣碗
Sold for $1,638
Estimated at $1,000 - $1,500
Lot 102
A Chinese jade plaque-inlaid table screen 镶玉木砚屏 The jade plaque Ming/Qing Dynasty 玉牌为明或清
Sold for $2,394
Estimated at $1,500 - $2,000
Lot 105
A Chinese carved spinach jade four-lobed persimmon coupe 翠玉四叶柿子形水丞
Sold for $12,600
Estimated at $3,000 - $5,000
Lot 106
A well-carved Chinese white jade belthook 苍龙教子白玉带钩一件 18th / 19th Century 十八或十九世纪
Sold for $5,040
Estimated at $1,500 - $2,000
Lot 108
A Chinese greyish-white jade snuff bottle 青白玉鼻烟壶一件 Qing dynasty 清
Sold for $1,386
Estimated at $1,500 - $2,000
Lot 109
A Chinese pale greyish-celadon jade "Qinqishuhua" brush rest 青白玉笔架琴棋書畫 Qing dynasty 清
Sold for $4,095
Estimated at $2,000 - $3,000
Lot 111
A Chinese carved celadon-grey jade "Dragon and Phoenix" moon-flask vase 青白玉龙凤纹抱月瓶
Sold for $18,900
Estimated at $3,000 - $5,000
Lot 112
A Chinese pale celadon jade reticulated "Dragon" finial 青白玉镂空龙形炉端
Estimated at $3,000 - $5,000
Lot 113
A Chinese carved dark green hardstone brushpot with marble-inlaid wood stand
Sold for $3,024
Estimated at $3,000 - $5,000
Lot 114
A Chinese jadeite "Qilong and 'Three Friends' " carving 翡翠雕螭龙岁寒三友柄型器
Estimated at $1,000 - $1,500
Lot 115
Two Chinese jade-mounted boxes 白玉嵌`金属盒子两件 The jades Qing dynasty 玉为清
Sold for $2,142
Estimated at $1,500 - $2,000
Lot 116
A Chinese jade-embellished cloisonné box 翠玉嵌掐丝珐琅圆盒
Sold for $630
Estimated at $1,000 - $1,500
Lot 122
A Chinese carved sage green jade tripod censer 碧玉三足香炉
Sold for $3,780
Estimated at $2,500 - $3,500
Lot 125
An impressive pair of large painted pottery "Earth Spirits" 镇墓兽一对 Tang dynasty 唐
Sold for $18,900
Estimated at $7,000 - $9,000
Lot 126
A Chinese Cizhou carved pillow 磁州窑刻花瓷枕 Northern Song or Jin dynasty 北宋或金
Estimated at $3,000 - $5,000
Lot 127
A red and green-enameled Cizhou cosmetic box 红绿彩磁州窑梳妆盒 Jin dynasty 金
Estimated at $1,500 - $2,000
Lot 128
A Chinese Dingyao ritual water vessel, Kundika 定窑龙首壶 Song dynasty 宋
Estimated at $8,000 - $10,000
Lot 129
A Chinese Junyao rectangular dish 钧窑方盘 Jin dynasty or later 金或以后
Sold for $2,520
Estimated at $2,500 - $3,500
Lot 130
A Chinese Qingbai-type tripod censer 青白釉三足香炉 Northern Song dynasty or later 北宋或以后
Sold for $4,725
Estimated at $3,000 - $5,000
Lot 131
A Chinese Longquan-type celadon-glaze zhadou 龙泉窑青釉渣斗 Southern Song dynasty or later 南宋或更晚
Estimated at $3,000 - $5,000
Lot 133
A Longquan celadon barbed dish 龙泉窑青瓷大盘 Late Yuan to Ming dynasty 元末至明
Sold for $2,772
Estimated at $1,200 - $1,500
Lot 134
A Chinese blue and white porcelain "Phoenix" large dish 克拉克瓷器凤纹大盘 16th/17th century 十六或十七世纪
Sold for $1,512
Estimated at $1,500 - $2,000
Lot 136
An unusual Chinese red lacquered “meiping” wall vase 朱红漆器梅瓶式壁瓶 "Wanguan Jianzhi" mark 萬觀監製 款识
Sold for $1,386
Estimated at $1,500 - $2,000
Lot 142
A Chinese underglaze red-decorated porcelain brush pot 釉里红画山水笔筒
Sold for $5,355
Estimated at $1,500 - $2,000
Lot 143
A massive Chinese gilt-decorated powder blue ovoid jar and cover 洒蓝地描金大盖罐 Qing dynasty 清
Estimated at $3,000 - $5,000
Lot 147
An impressive large Chinese famille verte-decorated jar and cover 五彩大盖罐 Kangxi period 清 康熙
Estimated at $12,000 - $15,000
Lot 150
A pair of large Chinese blue and white porcelain jars and covers 青花大盖罐一对 Kangxi period 清 康熙
Sold for $11,970
Estimated at $5,000 - $7,000
Lot 156
A finely-carved Chinese six-panel cinnabar lacquer wood screen 中国朱红漆六开屏风 20th century 二十世纪
Sold for $20,160
Estimated at $3,000 - $5,000
Lot 157
Two finely-painted Chinese blue and white porcelain panels 青花瓷板两件
Sold for $403,200
Estimated at $1,500 - $2,000
Lot 163
A Chinese flambé-glazed barbed jardinière 钧窑花盆一件
Sold for $12,600
Estimated at $10,000 - $15,000
Lot 164
A large Chinese export porcelain punch bowl 出口瓷大碗 Late 18th/early 19th century 十八世纪晚或十九世纪
Estimated at $5,000 - $7,000
Lot 166
A large Chinese famille rose-decorated porcelain bottle vase, Tianqiuping 珐琅彩大天球瓶
Sold for $47,250
Estimated at $1,500 - $2,000
Lot 167
A small Chinese guan-yao style bird feeder 官窑风格鸟食罐
Sold for $630
Estimated at $1,000 - $1,500
Lot 170
A Chinese famille rose-decorated turquoise-ground bowl 绿松石地珐琅彩碗 Jiaqing mark 嘉庆款识
Sold for $2,772
Estimated at $1,000 - $1,500
Lot 171
A Chinese aubergine-glazed porcelain bottle vase, Tianqiuping 茄皮紫天球瓶一只
Sold for $8,190
Estimated at $1,200 - $1,500
Lot 172
A Chinese powder-blue ground umbrella vase 洒蓝地开光瓷瓶
Sold for $2,772
Estimated at $1,000 - $1,500
Lot 173
Three Chinese porcelain vases mounted as lamps 瓷瓶嵌台灯三件
Sold for $2,142
Estimated at $1,500 - $2,500
Lot 174
A Chinese "robin's-egg" glazed five-mouthed vase 炉钧釉五连瓶
Sold for $15,120
Estimated at $2,500 - $3,500
Lot 175
A pair of Chinese wucai "Dragon and Phoenix" bowls 五彩龙凤碗一对 Xuantong six-character mark 宣统六字款
Sold for $22,680
Estimated at $1,500 - $2,500
Lot 176
A Chinese coral-ground gilt-decorated baluster vase 珊瑚红地描金凤尾尊 Qing dynasty 清
Estimated at $1,200 - $1,500
Lot 177
A Chinese famille-rose decorated coral-ground wall vase 珊瑚红地粉彩壁瓶
Estimated at $1,500 - $2,000
Lot 178
A Chinese cobalt blue glass bottle vase 钴蓝色玻璃天球瓶
Sold for $1,134
Estimated at $1,000 - $1,500
Lot 179
An unusual pair of mottled glaze "Arrow-Game" vases, Touhuping 投壶瓶一对
Sold for $8,190
Estimated at $3,000 - $5,000
Lot 180
A Chinese turquoise ground-glazed porcelain double-vase 松石绿釉双联葫芦瓶
Sold for $6,300
Estimated at $1,200 - $1,500
Lot 182
Attributed to Sen no Rikyu 千利休 (款)书法 (Japanese b.1522-d.1591)
Sold for $252
Estimated at $1,000 - $1,500
Lot 185
Kitagawa Utamaro 喜多川歌麿 浮世绘 (Japanese b.1753-d.1806)
Sold for $756
Estimated at $1,500 - $2,000
Lot 186
A large Japanese enameled Satsuma vase 日本珐琅彩萨摩烧大罐 19th century 十九世纪
Sold for $3,528
Estimated at $2,500 - $3,500
Lot 187
Group of six assorted Japanese woodblock prints 日本浮世绘一组六幅 19th century 十九世纪
Sold for $756
Estimated at $1,000 - $1,500
Lot 189
A Japanese inlaid lacquer "Ho-o and Kiri" writing box 日本时绘文具盒一件及包装木盒子
Sold for $2,268
Estimated at $3,000 - $5,000
Lot 190
A very finely executed Japanese lacquer "Inro" box 日本时绘"印笼"盒子一件 Meiji period 明治
Sold for $4,095
Estimated at $2,000 - $3,000
Lot 191
A carved wood "Toads" netsuke and carved walnut netsuke 日本核桃蟾蜍与根付两件 Edo/Meiji period 江户或明治
Sold for $1,386
Estimated at $900 - $1,200